>> Tax Forms
Tax Forms - Tax Forms - NOTE NEC1099 FORMS AVAILABLE - PLEASE CALL W-2 & 1099 Forms
Tax Season is closing!! Its not too late to get your Tax Forms
- IRS Compliant forms guaranteed compatible with your W-2 & 1099 software
- Each sheet is developed in compliance with IRS regulations
- One FREE W-3 transmittal form is included with your order
W-2 Forms for Laser Printers
Federal & State Wage & Withholding Forms
Miscellaneous Forms - Laser
Pressure Seal Forms
1099 Forms for Laser Printers
W-2 & 1099 Envelopes
Part Requirements by State
State |
W-2 |
1099 |
State |
W-2 |
1099 |
State |
W-2 |
1099 |
Alabama** |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Kentucky** |
6 |
3 or 4 |
North Dakota |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Alaska |
4 |
3 |
Louisana |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Ohio** |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Arizona |
6 |
4 |
Maine |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Oklahoma |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Arkansas |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Maryland** |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Oregon |
6 |
3 or 4 |
California |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Massachusetts |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Pennsylvania** |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Colorado |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Michigan** |
6 |
3 |
Rhode Island |
6 |
4 |
Connecticut |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Minnesota |
6 |
3 or 4 |
South Carolina |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Delaware** |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Mississippi |
6 |
4 or 5 |
South Dakota |
4 |
3 |
District of Colombia |
6 |
4 |
Missouri** |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Tennessee |
4 |
3 |
Florida |
4 |
3 |
Montana |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Texas |
4 |
3 |
Georgia |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Nebraska |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Utah |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Hawaii |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Nevada |
4 |
3 |
Vermont |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Idaho |
6 |
4 or 5 |
New Hampshire |
4 |
3 |
Virginia |
6 |
4 |
Illinois |
6 |
3 or 4 |
New Jersey |
6 |
4 |
Washington |
4 |
3 |
Indiana |
6 |
3 or 4 |
New Mexico |
6 |
3 or 4 |
West Virginia |
6 |
4 |
Iowa |
6 |
3 or 4 |
New York** |
6 |
3 or 4 |
Wisconsin |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Kansas |
6 |
4 |
North Carolina |
6 |
4 or 5 |
Wyoming |
4 |
3 |
*Some states require a 5-part form if Box 16 (State tax withheld) is filled
in on the 1099-MISC form.
**Certain cities in these states require an 8-part all purpose W-2 form.
States noted as 3 or 4 part for 1099-MISC filing: If federal taxes have been
withheld on the 1099-MISC, then a 4-part form is required; otherwise, a
copy is not required to be filed with the recipient’s personal taxes.
Find Your Forms Sets by State Requirements:
View State Requirements Chart-->
2007 W-2 Change
- The IRS has revised the format of the 2007
- W-2. To increase the security of employee’s
information, the employee SSN has moved
so there is no chance of it appearing through
window envelopes.
- Envelopes will not change for any W-2 formats.
Tax Forms for Continuous/Dot Matrix Printers
Federal & State Wage & Witholding Forms
Tax Forms for Laser/Inkjet Printers
Supplies, Covers, Envelopes
| |